
Previous 30 Days

For Shift, Issue #1, “Time”

A spread for the inaugural edition of Shift — a concept zine curated and produced by Leslie Cheng that explores moments in transition. The theme of issue #1 is “time” and I found the “Previous 30 Days” sort on my laptop an interesting record of my life and work.

"Previous Thirty Days" is a digital collage of the desktop images on my laptop in the "Previous Thirty Days" bucket. I've heard that it's not best practice to save things on your desktop, but as I work it becomes a liminal space between thoughts and a filing system. A sort of purgatory for images and screenshots and snippets. Looking back at what my computer saved became a diary for me, and I remembered the projects, thoughts and conversations from that time making this collage. Typeface: Rella Sans by Renald Louissaint.

contact: mary.banas (at)
1981–NOW © YES IS MORE, Mary Banas, specified rights holders. All Rights Reserved.