
For the AIGA-SF and in collaboration with Angelica Rabang, Roslyn Coutinho and Osman Sazci, I organized and produced two days of Studio Crawls for the SF AIGA's San Francisco Design Week.

Wednesday June 21st, 6:00 – 9:00 PM

Butchershop / @butchershopsf
432 Clay Street

Cooper / @cooper
450 Sansome Street, 9th Floor

COTA Innovation / @COTAinnovation
708 Montgomery Street

LIFT Agency / @weareliftagency
650 California Street, Suite 2200

NewDealDesign / @newdealdesign
1265 Battery Street

Rapt Studio / @RaptStudio
111 Maiden Lane, 4th Floor

Redshift Digital / @WeAreRedshift
8 California Street, 6th Floor

swissnex San Francisco / @swissnexSF
The Embarcadero, Pier 17, Suite 800

Transparent House / @thtweets
472 Jackson Street

Exygy / @exygy
2601 Mission Street, Suite 300

LUNAR / @LUNARdesign
2012 16th Street

Mission Bicycle Company
/ @missionbicycle
766 Valencia Street

Noise 13 / @Noise13Design
1616 16th Street, Suite 370

June 22:

Alloy Product Development
944 Folsom Street

Atlassian, INC / @Atlassian
1098 Harrison Street

Box Clever / @bxclvr
285 7th Street

Branch / @studiobranch
582 6th Street

Capital One Design
1201 3rd Street

Collective Health / @Collective
85 Bluxome Street

333 Bryant Street, Suite 320

Extractable / @EXTRACTABLE
612 Howard Street, Suite 400

LinkedIn / @LinkedIn
222 2nd Street

R/GA San Francisco / @RGA
35 South Park

Splunk / @splunk
272 Brannan Street

Stimulant / @stimulant
28 2nd Street, Suite 700

Studio O+A / @o_plus_a
452 Tehama Street

Upwork / @Upwork
475 Brannan Street, Suite 430

contact: mary.banas (at)
1981–NOW © YES IS MORE, Mary Banas, specified rights holders. All Rights Reserved.