

Identity, website and materials for a public event to make policy relatable and engaging. Bay Area Open Space Council and Transit & Trails needed to promote public transportation, public parks, and biking in the Bay Area with a one-day event to captivate stakeholders and be memorable for citizen voters.

The strategy team at John McNeil Studio proposed a bike ride that took participants to 3 peaks in one day: Mt. Tam, Mt. Diablo, and Mt. Hamilton. Spectators and riders utilized public transportation—BART, Caltrain and ferry—to get from place to place. Spectators participated in “open air parties” to cheer on the riders.

Identity and materials were created to support the day including logo, program, poster, stickers, styleguide, and website with real-time feeds from social media.

Created at John McNeil Studio with Creative Director Kim Le Liboux.

Alt. is a reference both to “alternative” modes of transportation as well as “altitude”. An energetic diagonal creates the three peaks in the logotype, and the color palette was inspired by the colors found in the natural environment of the Bay Area.

An angled fold made formal reference to the logo and invited readers to find out more, the program contained a schedule and map on one side and a keepsake poster on the other.

contact: mary.banas (at)
1981–NOW © YES IS MORE, Mary Banas, specified rights holders. All Rights Reserved.